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Ouyang Yifu Was Crowned Champion at the 47th IChO

Author: CopyFrom: UpdateTime: 26/10/2015 Hits:

Ouyang Yifu, Grade 3 student from our school, finished world No.1 at the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) hosted in Baku, Azerbaijan from July 20 through 29. This year’s competition attracted nearly 300 young students from 75 countries of 5 continents. Among all the gold medalists, Ouyang became the absolute winner, the top gold medalist and the best theoretician of the 47th IChO. He was therefore presented with a special prize, “The First of Firsts” award. With all the four representatives awarded gold medals, China topped the list among all national teams, which is the best result China has ever achieved in IChO history.

On their July 31 return, the principal of the school, along with the directors of Grade 3, Ouyang’s headteacher and parents, went to welcome Ouyang and his coach Ma Zhijun and congratulate them on their brilliant triumph in the prestigious competition this year.

Ouyang graduated from Wuluolu Middle School and has developed a strong interest in chemistry from an early age. In No. 1 High School Affiliated to Central China Normal University, where the emphasis of education is placed on the cultivation of students’ key abilities, Ouyang has achieved well-rounded development. Ma Zhijun described his student as a wise decision-maker, an excellent time-manager, and an enthusiastic experimenter. Besides, he is a bookaholic, yet he reads with his own critical thinking; he is abundant in knowledge, and never fails to come up with an answer to classmates’ questions, according to his headteacher Sheng Ling. Ouyang is the first-ever gold medalist of IChO coached by Ma Zhijun, who exerted great effort in training and helping Ouyang.

Zhou Pengcheng, principal of our school, said in an interview that the best education should cater for individual students’ needs. The No.1 High School Affiliated to CCNU is such a place where students’ personality and interests are fully respected, a place where they can have more choices and find the paths that really suit them, and also a place where teachers are highly motivated to become experts in their fields.

For our school, the academic year of 2015 is fruitful with three students awarded gold medals at the International Science Olympiads and Grade 3 graduates achieving brilliant results in the national College Entrance Examination. “It must be noted that we wouldn’t accomplish anything without our dedicated teachers and coaches, neither would we if the school did not keep the soil fertile where students’ key abilities can be fully cultivated”, commented Yang Guohong, vice principal of the school.

The student-oriented education of our school meets with parents’ approval. Just as Ouyang’s father put it, The No.1 High School Affiliated to CCNU is a place where students overall ability can be fostered. We will adhere to the principle that each individual student deserves equal chances and resources to improve themselves and better prepare them for their life-long development.