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作者:张妍 编辑: 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2010年03月15日 点击数:










1. 中文培训课程:





1. 未学过汉语者

2. 辩识约300个汉字者


1. 汉语入门 2. 中国文化(一)

第二学期 汉语中级课程





1. 汉语精读 2. 中国文化(二)

第二学期 高中基础课程


2. 高中学历教育:















2). 学生本人护照原件,首页及有效签证页复印件各一份;

3). 学生居住地派出所开具的《临时住宿登记表》原件及复印件;

4). 学生成绩单原件(中文或英文);

5). 学生在武汉区级以上医院开具的体检证明;

6). 学生本人近期彩色照片4张(2寸浅蓝底身份照)

7). 经过公证处公证后的《监护人/委托监护人保证书》一式两份。

8). 监护人身份证明原件和复印件;











电话: (+86-027)87920659,(+86-027)87920656



地址: 中国武汉市东湖开发区汤逊湖北路特一号华中师大一附中外事处

邮编: 430223

The No.1 Middle School Attached To Central China Normal University

Recruitment of Students Abroad ( Study in China)

●School Profile

The No.1 Middle School Affiliated To Central China Normal University (CCNU), which is located in Wuhan East-Lake High-tech Development Zone, was established in September 1950. It is one of the key middle schools in PR.China and the only “window school” honoured by Hubei provincial government. The main campus (senior high) covers an area of more than 400 acres, with 90 classes and 4700 students. Moreover, the school has two junior school campuses (daily and boarding) with 60 classes. The school enjoys an excellent teaching staff. Since its establishment the school has been successfully adhering to the glorious traditional spirit of ‘Seeking beyond excellence and always aiming to take the lead in every aspect’, and the school motto has been defined and accepted as ‘virtuous, gracious, studious, punctilious’.

The students’ performances at the national university entrance examinations have been the best in Hubei Province for many years in a row and great achievements have been made in the education of morality & virtue, psychology, science, sports and arts etc. Since 1988, the students have won eleven gold medals, two silver medals and a bronze medal, respectively in physics, chemistry, biology and computer science, in the International Students’ Academic Olympics.

With the coming of the new century and China’s entry into the WTO, the school has laid ‘modernization and internationalization’ as the medium and long-term strategy. Hundreds of visitors come to the school from home and abroad every year and increasingly, the school exchanges visits of teachers and students from the USA, Canada, Germany, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Singapore etc. In July 2002, the International Department of the school was officially established, which marked the school’s further development in the process of internationalization.

Our Advantages

●The school enjoys world-class teaching and learning facilities: including the buildings, experiment equipment, sports grounds, etc, with a fascinating campus view.

●Wuhan area is rather highly developed in both basic and higher education, ranking No. 3 on the whole in China.

●Compared to other advanced areas in education like Beijing or Shanghai, life is about 30% cheaper in Wuhan area.

●Our school enjoys very good partnership with all the top universities in China and only in Wuhan city there are more than 30 universities for you to choose from. We will guarantee that each and every oversea student is able to be accepted into an appropriate university in China if required. Recruitment of Oversea Students

To satisfy the need of various foreign students, our recruitment plan is as follows:

●Chinese Training Courses:   

•Beginning: Offered to students aged 12-16 who have not learned any Chinese or the students who have mastered less than 500 Chinese characters. The duration of study is one academic year. In the first semester, elementary Chinese courses will be offered, and from the second semester, the students will study intermediate courses.   

•Intermediate: Offered to students aged 12-16 who have mastered more than 1000 Chinese characters and passed our Entrance Test of Chinese Language. Intensive Chinese courses will be offered in the first semester and other curriculums will be offered in the second semester.

●Regular Grade (join in the Chinese students' class): Offered to the students of both Junior High (year 7 and 8) and Senior High (year 10 only), who are proficient in Chinese and with high academic level at other curriculums. The objectives of training are the same as the enrolled local Chinese students. Recruitment Conditions

●Chinese Training Courses: Junior and senior high school students of 12-16 years of ages, who pass our school's interview, are eligible for enrolment. The student must have a legal guardian (parent) or a designated guardian (relative or friend of Wuhan residence).

●Regular Grade: Students of grade/year 7, 8 and 10 who have passed our school's entrance tests (Chinese, English and math) and interview are eligible for recruitment. The student must have a legal guardian (parent) or a designated guardian (relative or friend of Wuhan residence). Application and Requirements:

The students eligible for Recruitment Conditions can either come to school for or down load from our website (www.hzsdyfz.com.cn) the “Application Form” and “Guardian's Letter of Guarantee”. Application should be done in the following process:   

•Fill out the Application Form in either Chinese or English and attach a recent photo of the applicant.   

•Fill out the Guardian's Letter of Guarantee in either Chinese or English, which must be signed by the guardian. The Guardian's original and photocopy of the ID card or passport.   

•Applicant's passport and 2 photocopies.   

•Diploma of highest academic degree, previous school report, study records of the past year, as well as any certificate of rewarding and HSK (if any), and the photocopies of the above documents.

•Recent photos (2 of the 2-inch photos and 2 of the 1-inch photos. The background of the photo should not be of the red color).

Time to register: April –August, 2010.

When all the above documents are ready, they should be handed in at the International Section of the No.1 Middle School Affiliated to CCNU.

School address: No.1 North Road of Tangxun Lake, Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Hubei Province, P.R.China.

Post code: 430223

Phone number: 0086 027 87920659

Fax number: 0086-027-87920678

Website: www.hzsdyfz.com.cn

表格下载: 华师一外国学生入学申请表.doc
