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作者:高二 编辑: 来源:外事处 发布时间:2007年10月15日 点击数:

Regulations of the Impromptu English Speaking Competition

for International Department ( Senior Two )

I. Preliminary Contest

1. The list of topics is given out to the foreign teachers on Monday, Oct. 15

2. All the students have the equal chance to choose a certain topic from the list and give a speech in class. After the speech, the foreign teacher will ask a question according to the speech.

3. After the tryout, the foreign teacher will choose 2 contestants from each class and report the names by Nov. 9th.

II. Final

1. All the contestants have a meeting at 1 p.m. on Nov. 19th to draw lots for turns of speaking in the final to be held in the Lecture Hall at 3:20 p.m. on Nov. 26th.

2. All the contestants will draw a topic from the given list.

3. Each contestant has five minutes to prepare before he/ she starts.

4. Each contestant’s speech must be 2.5 minutes at most.

5. After one contestant finishes the speech, the judging panel composed of foreign experts from Senior one of International Department will ask a question according to the speech. The contestant’s answer must be no longer than 1 minute.

6. The judging panel will give scores on the spot. After one contestant finishes the speech, the score of the previous contestant will be announced.

7. The places of contestants will be arranged according to the scores. There will be 3 first prizes, 4 second prizes and 5 third prizes awarded.

8. All the winners will be awarded certificates and prizes.

III. Standard of Grading

Items ( 5 )

Full marks ( 50 )

Pronunciation & Intonation




Fluency & Accuracy


Presentation & Eloquence


Timing & Response

