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Approaching Life in North America

作者:英语社团|北美讲座 编辑: 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2007年09月30日 点击数:

Approaching Life in North America

Andrew, foreign teacher from Canada, and Taylor, from the US, gave 2 wonderful lectures in the No.3 Lecture Hall on September 27, 2007, by which a large number of students were captivated.

The first lecture commenced at 5:30 sharp, with the National Flag in which there is a maple leave pasted on the blackboard, Andrew directly went to the point that life in Canada was varied. Everyone was as mute as fish when the story of a Canadian on the fire for music little by little unfolded. Applause was flying all over the hall after Andrew ended the 30-minute lecture.

The climax of the lecture named “Living in North America” would be “the overall views of America” given by Taylor. Using “Powerpoint” as the tool to show lots of typical pictures relevant to the subject, what he talked appeared truly vivid and inviting. Besides the elementary information over the USA like its population, states and famous cities, Taylor paid a little bit more attention to universities of America. He as well gave the students present at the lecture some valuable advice about application to American universities. Rounded off around 6:20. Taylor’s lecture gained a chorus of acclamation. He felt delighted to give such lectures.

It was told that this activity was organized by Senior 2 students who had been members of “START” English Club in school. They uttered that this sort of activity was helpful to students’ learning English, they would arrange more in this semester.
