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作者:高三(3)班 熊天萌 编辑: 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2007年06月20日 点击数:





高中一年级,打好英文基础,多背单词(大学46 级词汇和托福单词),多开口说英语(因为新托福考试包含了英语的听,说,读,写各项功能)多练听力和写作,多阅读。


高中二年级上学期,多做托福试题,参加托福考试。高中二年级下学期,准备sat 考试,Sat 是美国大学选拔美国高中生的入学考试,相当于美国高考。中国香港有考点。因为 sat 的难度和词汇量远远大于托福。就背gre词汇。想进名牌学府并那高额奖学金,在日趋竟争激烈的情况下必考。


上述为简化内容,详情请见www. etest. net. cn 托福考试在这个网上报名。www. collegeboard.com .sat在这个网上报名。上述为理想时间表,但不绝对。

在英语背单词方面:考sat 需近 2万的词汇量,背单词要下苦功负,翻来覆去的背是最好的方法。我背单词的时间表:每天背额定单词量,周末做系统回顾。(一星期为一周期)

练新托福听力的心得:The materials on the TOEFL iBT are based on the actual speech which includes the conversations and lectures in campus. For our young chinese students, Grasping the main point of lectures or conversation can really help one to find the right answer and continue to success in the latter material. How to catch the main idea of listening material? The test taker should be familiar with the organization of such listening academic or non-academic material. On the other hand, one can probably guess what the professor want to talk about or the latter main point in the letures or conversations. However, one should also explicitly get to know the details of the material and organize them intellectually. That means one should put all the details or small point of view into diverse group and know their function in the passage.

All above is my personal view point and I think it is very limited. The pratice one take and the inspiration one learn from the efforts you do is not limited. Most of the test skills in my personal view are useless when one go to college or other institution. The essence of listening practice is not for the purpose of training one’s test skills but for the purpose of really understanding the listening materials and aborbing the nutrition from them.

口语:ones accent accurate or not in the TOEFL iBT test is not the main point whch the test maker look on. What they look on is your organization of your speaking and how you perform on the topic they give you. It does not mean one can use so awful accent which make the other people confuse what one talk about. Nice accent , intellectual organization and confident perfomance can make one perfect in this section. The test maker do not look on one single element of speaking and they prefer the overall of your performance. Trying to be confident when one make minor mistakes and continue to show your strength is your task..

The TOEFL iBT test put the listening and speaking together to test one’s abillity of listening as well as speaking. Accumulating one’s real power of engilsh and put them to use practically is very important in english education. For our chinese traditional english education, It lacks more than we imagine!

写作 阅读:Ameliorating ones writing is based on the various vocabulary which one can use naturally, the diverse organization of literature or essay and the main critical idea one want to express. Actually, the reading and writing are related closely to each other. Critical reading can give us some critical idea or inspiration and we use the idea and inspiration to show on our essay. The essence of reading is to touch the writer’s heart and know what the writer really think about. Trying to be the writer when one is in the same situation is an interaction way to catch the feeling of the writer and grasp what you feel at the same time. It is very interesting when two different character one and the writer face together on the same problem or situation and find the solution in one’s own way or the writer’s logical idea.

I definitely hate the model of writing. Writing is so elaborate that cannot limited in one or two model. How to express one’s idea and organize them in one’s own way is the real writing practice. Using model to write can do nothing good for one further education and english learning.
