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课堂内容分为四个部分,第一部分以“best partner”(最佳拍档)的猜词游戏热身,让学生用英文解释英语,复习学过的单词和词组。第二部分语言点的讲述完全由学生主导,学生在导学案的指导下将课前预习的成果在小组中讨论、汇总、整合,学生个人在班级中讲解,其他小组同学适当补充,最后经老师幻灯片中练习把关确保所有学生能掌握并运用重点知识点。第三部分游戏“word baseball”(词语棒球) 将整堂课的气氛推向高潮,学生竞相上黑板拼写所学单词或者用所学单词大声造句。高质量的例句让黄老师惊喜不已也让听课老师赞赏有加。第四部分通过一段完形填空的练习总结全课。学生们饶有兴趣的读着火星人的来信,搜刮学过的词汇填充文段,将所学的语言碎片整合成篇章,达到语言教学的交际目的。
With a student in one group saying a difficult word, a student in another group rushed to the blackboard to set it down when one of his teammates made up a sentence making use of the word. On hearing this, you might think we were playing games. To tell the truth, we were having English class indeed, which contained four parts.
First of all, we were divided into Group A and Group B and came to competition by an easy game called “best partners”. So normal and easy was it that both groups got full marks and kept pace with each other. It was in the part II that a growing number of students was applied to the class. Chances were that these was a time when so many students raised their hands hoping to get a chance to speak that even the teacher was at a loss to choose. It was in this part that we learnt a large quantity of new words and phrases which were of great benefit to us.
Competition between group A and B were on again the moment Part III was at the outset. There weren’t any words strong enough to express the atmosphere, even words such as “fierce” or “tense” failed to. What you have read in the beginning of this passage was how we played, named after “word baseball”. After all, nervousness would sometimes account for fault. Group B firstly made something wrong--a student merely ran to the blackboard without anyone one making a sentence in time, which in turn lessened their scores. Having seized the opportunity, Group B won the final win. Part IV might be the finishing touch-- simple but attractive--everybody gathered, finishing a cloze on the purpose of reviewing what we learnt.
It’s evident to me that the most outstanding characteristic of the lesson is that we cooperated in groups. This is killed two birds with a stone. On the one hand, the cooperation has the advantage of increasing our communication of cooperation abilities. Friendship, in addition, will be of more stability. However good it is, what we can’t ignore is that it could give the talkable students more chances. (From William Class 30, Senior One 高一(30)班 黄琦恒 )
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